To whom it may concern,

House of Globalization has been a true help in my life. Thanks to Danielle A. for introducing me to Vivian, life has been a little bit easier. Since i have come to know the wonderful professionals at the house of globalization, they have done so much to help me and my 12 year old daughter as well as my unborn child. If it wasn’t for them I would not feel as supported or helped as i do. They have come to be like a family to me, always advising me that if I need anything that they would go above and beyond to help me. If it wasn’t for their kindness i would have probably left Atlanta and gone back to NJ where all of my family is. I want to thank everyone at the house of globalization for all their kindness and help to me and I am sure for all the peoples lives they have touched and changed. I am grateful that a place like this exists for women who have had troubled past and are struggling to overcome that same past. Without the house of globalization myself and i am sure others would be without the sense of security of knowing that we have people who care about us without knowing us. People who do not judge us based on our mistakes but instead uplifts us and makes us feel as equal to themselves. Thank you all for all you have done and will continue to do in the future.

Lots of Respect and Best Regards,


May 24, 2021


Disclaimer: Names and identifying details have been changed to protect victim confidentiality.