We wish to bring many good things to life.

Who We Are

We Express Our Vision Through Human Rights Advocacy

The Human Rights are a catalyst for advocacy, awareness, education, and change. That’s why House of Globalization is harnessing the power of the basic human necessities as the medium used to convey our mission and give voice to the victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. Through advocacy, sustainability and empowerment, House of Globalization will touch the public by educating and galvanizing them around the issues of domestic violence and human trafficking. In addition to acting as a catalyst for change, profits from our campaign will be used to provide education and training to advocates and provide funds that support local and global initiatives to end human trafficking and domestic violence.

Domestic violence comes in many forms – it manifests as physical, mental or emotional abuse. Perhaps a partner withholds love and compassion, criticizes physical appearance or decisions, controls behaviors, or undermines authority as a parent or partner. Abuse can be obvious and confident, but sometimes abuse can happen so subversively that it becomes difficult to acknowledge that abuse and victimization have occurred.

House of Globalization through its mission and core values addresses these many facets of domestic violence and human trafficking, by exposing the painful realities of an abusive relationship and consciously choosing to stand against power and corruption, with powerful statements and actions that gives voice to victims everywhere.

We are Helping Hands

Committed To Making A Difference In Our Community

Our Purpose

Is to centralize resources for human-rights advocates around the globe.  Advocates serve an important role in the lives of victims—they are friends, family,  colleagues, ministers, and social workers. When abuse occurs, victims need to know that they have an advocate closer than they think and that they are strong enough to survive and escape abuse.

Our Mission

Is to improve justice, strengthen the sovereignty of women and provide awareness through counseling and education, aiming to prevent and end violence against women, children and men around the Globe. House of Globalization communicates awareness of domestic violence and human trafficking, inspire advocacy and provide the capital needed to train and assist the victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. We are committed to seeing that our mission is implemented locally, nationally and internationally.

Our History

We believe that human relationships are characterized by mutual respect, open communication, and individual empowerment. We believe that every partner should treat each other with dignity, respect, and compassion. We know that when oppression is replaced with equality and homes are devoid of violence, we can break the cycle of abuse by inspiring and supporting young people to build healthy relationships and create a culture without violence.


Domestic violence comes in many forms it manifests as physical, mental or emotional abuse. We need dedicated volunteers to assist in our global effort to eradicate domestic violence and human trafficking

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