Working with House of Globalization has afforded me an opportunity to take back control of my life. After years of fighting in court with my abusive ex who was awarded custody of my daughter, the support from HOG showed me that I still had a chance to get her back.

HOG got me in touch with attorney Khadizeth Toure-Samba who was the first attorney who listened to me and believed me when I informed her of the abuse happening to my daughter. She represented me when I informed her of the abuse happening to my daughter. She represented me in court with grit and confidence and eventually I was awarded custody of my daughter.

I do not think this would have happened had I not met the team at HOG. I contacted many organizations that help victims, but HOG was dedicated to helping me, constantly checking in and providing support.

I will forever be thankful for House of Globalization and how they changed my life.


May 2021


Disclaimer: Names and identifying details have been changed to protect victim confidentiality.